Features of Therapeutic Life Story Work…

  • TLSW is a fun and playful way of working. It allows the child to relax, trust and engage in a safe environment knowing they are fully supported.

  • It utilises wallpaper to record the work conducted with the child and their carer. This can be unrolled, reviewed and walked through showing the child how they have evolved.

  • The child’s carer forms part of a triad with the child and TLSW practitioner. This way the carer hears first hand the perceptions and misperceptions of the child. This is a unique opportunity for them to gain a greater understanding and therefore attune to their child in a stronger and healthier manner.

  • The carer’s strengthening relationship with their child provides the child with a positive experience that adults can be trusted and the world is not always such a frightening place.

  • The child gains an understanding of how past events have affected their here and now. This promotes changes to their behaviours resulting in mature, independent personalities and them becoming socially available.

  • We, as a triad, have an agreed celebration on completion of our work together to say our goodbyes.

Who might benefit from Therapeutic Life Story Work?

  • Children and young people who have experiences of abuse and/or trauma in early life.

  • Children and young people who struggle with their own identity or making sense of who they are.

  • Children and young people who have difficulties in understanding what has happened to them in the past.

  • Placements that are struggling or at risk of breakdown.

  • Children and young people who are asking questions about their past and birth family.

  • TLSW is most effectively used with children and young people aged between 4 and 17 years.

“In order to understand an individual, one needs to know his or her history.” ~Bruce Perry and Erin Hambrick