What is it?
- TLSW is an approach pioneered by Professor Richard Rose who developed it over 25 years ago.
- This defined model provides the opportunity for children to explore their history and the wider history of their birth family.
- It is designed to help children understand their past, their traumas, and their experiences whilst connecting how these have influenced their present. The work is underpinned by theories of attachment, loss and grief.
- Working through these enables the child (and carer) to make sense of the past whilst working towards improving their futures by accepting and understanding who they are.
- The process involves working in a triad with the child, their carer (usually the adoptive parent or long term foster carer) and the TLSW practitioner.
- The sessions are usually conducted at the child’s family home, for 18 sessions (9 months, seen fortnightly) for one hour.
How does it work?
It works in three stages…
- The Information Bank – The TLSW practitioner sensitively collates an array of in-depth historical information (pre and post birth) from professionals, interviews and physical evidence. This provides a greater insight into the child’s early years experiences that allow the practitioner to understand the traumas the child has and an insight into how they see themselves and the world around them.
- Internalisation – This stage involves the therapeutic sessions with the child and carer. These sessions are tailored to the child’s needs. The child is encouraged and supported to externalise their thoughts, emotions and feelings which are explored and recorded on wallpaper. It gives the child and carer first hand knowledge of the past, the decisions made and how the consequences of those decisions can influence and drive the child and their present behaviours or difficulties. Unravelling this confusion assists the child to discard negativity, providing opportunities for changes and promoting a positive sense of self.
- The Life Story Book – This is a joint creation comprising of the information shared and the work completed by the child over their sessions. The child decides what is included which helps them to take ownership over it and assists their understanding of the journey they have completed.