I am Lou! 

I hold the Diploma in Therapeutic Life Story Work (TLSW) which has enabled me to enhance my practice experience and increase my knowledge and understanding in this area. I further hold a certification in Creating Therapeutic Stories. I am a full member of the professional body – Therapeutic Life Story Work International and a Therapeutic Life Story Work Supervisor.

I work in a holistic and open manner whilst supporting children, young people and adults throughout the process. I have worked both face-to-face and online – subject to the families location and needs.

My skills include active listening, managing child protection and communication. I have substantial knowledge and experience of dealing with harrowing incidents, am empathetic, understanding, patient, honest and professional.

I enjoy play and creative arts and use these tools within my sessions in an age appropriate manner. I am committed to both TLSW and Creating Therapeutic Stories and have a sensitive and warm approach.

“Connecting-Roots offers support to children with emotional, behavioural, social, trauma and attachment difficulties”

Lou Jones-Sullivan