Known Outcomes of TLSW
- Knowing their story, children and young people become less pre-occupied with the why, what, where, when and how’s of their history. This can result in them feeling calmer and more focused in their thinking, emotions and behaviours.
- The child has a deeper understanding and is more accepting of their life history.
- The child is helped to make sense of their world aiding a healthier and more positive self identity.
- The child and their primary carer have a much deeper understanding of the child’s experiences, thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviours. This supports a stronger attachment and healthier relationship.
- The child has a stronger sense of self, promoting relationships and confidence.
- Securing deeper understanding and attachments between the carer and child often decreases the likelihood of placement breakdowns.
- The child will have a completed Life Story Book at the conclusion of the journey which can be reflected upon in their own time.
“It is difficult to grow up as a psychologically healthy adult if one is denied access to one’s own history”
~Vera Fahlberg